Help! Help! I'm being repressed!You heard right. Our favorite nutjob is still at it!
Apparently the NAACP is controlled by Governor Gregoire and the "White Powers" in Washington.
Get this guy into an asylum before he hurts someone!
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
I’m back!
Put on your knee pads and start praying!
This past Sunday I was preaching on Romans 2:11 which says God is no respecter of persons. I was informed last week that this is not true of Governor Christine Gregoire and the State of Washington. There is extreme favoritism in this state.
I was informed by Rosalund Jenkins, head of the Commission on African American Affairs for the State of Washington, that if I was the black pastor of a black church instead of a black pastor of a white church, I would have more clout to say
I was discriminated against at Mt. Si High School at the Martin Luther King Day Assembly.I was informed that a
homosexual is part of the Commission on African American Affairs so I can forget about fighting the issues of racism and homosexuality.
I was informed that even though she is head of the Commission on African American Affairs for the state of Washington she does not work for black people. She works for Governor Chris Gregoire because hers is not an elected position, she is a gubernatorial appointee.
I was informed that if I continue to go down the road of racism and homosexuality,
I’m fighting against the white power structure of the State of Washington and I don’t have a chance of winning.As I was talking to her, it dawned on me that
the NAACP must be controlled and owned by the white power structure of the State of Washington as well.
I filed a grievance with the NAACP and now I know why James Bible, President of the local chapter doesn’t return my phone calls. The only member of the NAACP who has any intestinal fortitude is Rev. Phyllis Beaumonte. She has constantly said that they are supposed to investigate any complaint brought by a member, yet the President has put this off week after week after week.
Pray for Rev. Beaumonte. She is trying to get the NAACP to do the right thing.
Continue to pray for me as I stand on Biblical Truth and the Word. I was informed by the head of the Commission on African American Affairs for the State of Washington that Gov. Gregoire has established a special place for homosexuals in her administration and the State of Washington.
This will be an uphill battle but I am willing to fight trusting in God until we attain victory.
Pastor Hutch
"This past Sunday I was preaching on Romans 2:11 which says God is no respecter of persons."
Romans 2:11 For there is no partiality with God.
How does "no respecter of persons" translate from an impartial God?
Does he have any idea what he's preaching or does he just make this crap up as he goes along?
delusion Main Entry: de·lu·sion
Pronunciation: \di-ˈlü-zhən, dē-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin delusion-, delusio, from deludere
Date: 15th century
1: the act of deluding : the state of being deluded
2 a: something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated b: a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs
— de·lu·sion·al \-ˈlüzh-nəl, -ˈlü-zhə-nəl\ adjective
— de·lu·sion·ary \-zhə-ˌner-ē\ adjective